Friday, 19 July 2013

Attractive teachers

Imagine you've got a really important test next week and all you've been doing for the past few days is revision. It's one of those end-of-year science tests and you've been getting low grades throughout the whole year. Your parents said that if you fail this one, they'll take away your phone and you'll be grounded for ever.
And then you go to school, with your exercise book filled with notes, just to hear that your favourite chemistry teacher is ill and you're going to have a cover teacher for the whole week. You think it's not that bad, untill you realise that your cover is this young, attractive male and all your hard work is wasted.
You decide that you're still going to do your best, so you go to your class, sit at your usual seat and open up all your notes. You start reading them, and the he comes in. He starts the lesson yet all you're able to do is stare at him and imagine things you wouldn't want anyone to know you've been thinking about.
And then, of course, you fail the test, get your phone taken away, get grounded, then you lose your friends because you didn't talk to them for such a long time. Then everyone forgets about you and you're a loner now. Then, on a dull, rainy day, you die of depression and sadness.
And all of this happened because of one, fit teacher.
Yes, attractive teachers are hell on earth.


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